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新闻 | BMJ推出首个人工智能驱动的“临床检查技能实践评估”(PACES)备考复习工具

  • 来源:未知
  • 作者:bmjchina
  • 日期:2024-04-14
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BMJ出版集团(BMJ)出版的医师执业资格考试备考平台BMJ OnExamination近日推出由AI驱动的“临床检查技能实践评估”(Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills, PACES)备考复习工具。该工具是首个针对医师执业资格考试中客观结构化临床考试(objective structured clinical examination, OSCE)部分的人工智能工具。它通过模拟PACES考试和患者互动帮助用户复习备考,并在模拟考试结束后向用户提供反馈和评价,进而帮助其提升问诊和沟通能力。该工具由加拿大SimConverse公司提供系统平台和大型语言模型支持,由BMJ的全球临床专家提供真实病例数据以及评估标准。 




目前BMJ OnExamination官网已上线三种PACES人工智能备考复习工具的订阅方案,详情请参考:


BMJ OnExamination简介

BMJ OnExamination是一个循证医学考测数据库和工具,收录全球各临床领域专家撰写的4万余道基于真实病历的精选试题,涵盖37个临床及医学人文学科,且保持更新。精选试题类型丰富,包括单选/多选题、判断题、简答题和情景判断题等,也包含丰富的临床医学案例题,还原真实临床场景,帮助用户熟练掌握临床实践。在备战执业资格考试期间,用户可通过自我测试和结果分析进行学习。

BMJ OnExamination已为全球100余个国家/地区的20余万机构和个人用户提供临床备考支持。



BMJ launches AI-powered PACES revision tool

Innovative new product let's doctors prepare for their PACES exam where they want, when they want, for a fraction of the cost of alternative options


BMJ has today launched an innovative new exam preparation product driven entirely by artificial intelligence ( The new product, which supports candidates taking the PACES exam, allows candidates to interact in real time with a range of simulated patients just by speaking into their computer.


Created in partnership with Australian start-up SimConverse, the tool will give doctors a cheaper, more convenient, and less stressful option than currently available alternatives.


Up until now doctors studying for the MRCP PACES have had to pay for thousands of pounds to attend time-consuming residential courses or try to pair up with other candidates to role play patients. Now they can simply pay a subscription and practise at their leisure.


The new product allows candidates to practise their consultation and communication skills then tests their ability to distil their findings and generate a diagnosis and differentials. Detailed feedback is given on every attempt to help candidates understand their strengths and weaknesses and how to improve.


Users who have tested the product have praised its similarity to real-life, its lack of glitches, and the granularity of its feedback.


On Exam PACES is the first AI-driven revision product for the OSCE (objective structured clinical examination) element of a postgraduate medical qualification and work has already begun on a long list of similar exams in other specialties.


While SimConverse run the platform and LLM behind the simulation, BMJ have provided the expert clinical input to create the cases and the rubrics which control them. In addition, BMJ will take the lead on marketing the product to individuals around the world, more than 200 of whom have already signed up for our early bird discount.


A special shout out to Matt Morgan, Nigel Praities, Joel Maccay, Emma Glover, Ellie Burchett, and Ross Whistler who have led the charge and a long list of supporting players too numerous to mention.


The PACES product is available in various combinations of cases and attempts - from an introductory package allowing two attempts at four cases (£118) to our platinum product offering 3 attempts at 40 cases (£1224).