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Sexually Transmitted Infections 《性传播感染疾病》副主编


Wong博士于1993年从爱丁堡大学毕业,在伦敦盖伊与圣托马斯医院完成了普通职业培训。他在英国、澳大利亚、中国大陆和香港的医院和社区做过广泛的工作。他于2007年至2010年在墨尔本大学担任全科与初级护理教育主任,目前担任香港大学家庭医学和初级保健系临床副教授兼研究主任。他荣获香港大学Hughes Hall奖金后,于2015年4月至6月在英国剑桥大学健康研究中心进行交流,在此期间,为表彰他在性健康、健康平等与健康促进方面的成就,英国皇家医师学院公共卫生系授予他荣誉会员称号。Wong博士还担任BMJ集团旗下Sexually Transmitted Infections期刊副主编,并于2012年为该刊的《艾滋病与卫生系统特刊》担任客座主编。


Dr. William Chi Wai Wong

Specialist Registration (Family Medicine), MB ChB (Edin) MD (Edin) MA (Dist. Lon) MPH (CUHK) DFFP (UK) DCH (Lon) DHCL (Swansea) FRCGP (UK) FRACGP (Aus) MFTM RCPS (Glasg) honMFPH RCP (UK)

Graduated from The University of Edinburgh in 1993, Dr. Wong completed his General Practice Vocational Training at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospital, London. He has worked extensively in the hospitals and the community in the UK, Australia, China and Hong Kong. He was the Director of GP and Primary Care Education at The University of Melbourne (2007-10) and is currently working as Clinical Associate Professor & Chief of Research at Department of Family Medicine & Primary Care, The University of Hong Kong (HKU). He was awarded the HKU-Hughes Hall Fellowship to spend April-June 2015 at Centre for Health Research at The University of Cambridge, UK and conferred honorary membership by Faculty of Public Health, The Royal College of Physicians, UK for his achievement in sexual health, health equity and health promotion. Dr. Wong is Associate Editor for Sexually Transmitted Infections, a BMJ-group journal; and, Guest Editor for the Special Issue of STI on HIV and Health Systems (2012).

Dr. Wong is the Departmental Coordinator of the HKU-Shenzhen Hospital, a breakthrough cooperation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen governments, and chairs the Steering Committee providing the vision and direction for the new Department of General Practice & Family Medicine which has introduced many new service models such as package fee for GP service, chronic disease management clinic and need-based investigation and drug use. He now works as a Consultant supervising the staff and overlooking the service development and research, and coordinator for the newly established WHO Health Promoting Hospital.