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《英国医学杂志》 研究文章

The BMJ Research

[圣诞特辑] Estimating my equilibrium energy intake during lockdown: very introspective study [估计封锁期间的平衡能量摄入:自我内省性研究]

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BMJ 2020; 371 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m4561 (Published 16 December 2020)
Cite this as: BMJ 2020;371:m4561

R A Lewis

Objective To estimate the daily dietary energy intake for me to maintain a constant body weight. How hard can it be?

Design Very introspective study.

Setting At home. In lockdown. (Except every Tuesday afternoon and Saturday morning, when I went for a run.)

Participants Me. n=1.

Main outcome measures My weight, measured each day.

Results Sleeping, I shed about a kilogram each night (1.07 (SD 0.25) kg). Running 5 km, I shed about half a kilogram (0.57 (SD 0.15) kg). My daily equilibrium energy intake is about 10 000 kJ (10 286 (SD 201) kJ). Every kJ above (or below) 10 000 kJ adds (or subtracts) about 40 mg (35.4 (SD 3.2) mg).

Conclusions Body weight data show persistent variability, even when the screws of control are tightened and tightened.