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Articles from China

[Journal of Medical Ethics] The physician charter on medical professionalism from the Chinese perspective: a comparative analysis [从中国角度看医师职业精神宣言:比较分析]

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Pingyue Jin
(School of Public Health, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College)

The charter of medical professionalism in the new millennium (Charter) has been endorsed worldwide, including by the Chinese Medical Doctor Association from 2005. Six years later, the association drafted a Chinese version of medical professionalism based on the Charter, the Chinese Medical Doctor Declaration (Declaration). This Declaration encompasses six tenets, which have large areas of overlap with the Charter. Meanwhile, certain differences also exist between the universal professionalism that the Charter aims to disseminate and the ideal Chinese professionalism that the Declaration endeavours to bolster. In this paper, we explore the unique aspects of the Declaration in contrast with the Charter to gain a deeper understanding of professionalism in the particular context of China. The Declaration may omit some valuable commitments found in the Charter, but it includes longstanding Confucian and cultural traditions of China, as well as consideration of current social circumstances. The Declaration thus re-establishes the ideal of universal professionalism in light of the Chinese context.

J Med Ethics 2015;41:511-514 doi:10.1136/medethics-2014-102318