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Articles from China
[BMJ Open]Validation of the Compassion Fatigue Short Scale among Chinese medical workers and firefighters: a cross-sectional study[中国医务人员与消防员的同情心疲软短量表验证:横断面研究]
BMJ Open
浙江师范大学 Binghai Sun, Mengna Hu, Shitian Yu, et al. -
[BMJ Open] Prevalence and associated factors of smoking in middle and high school students: a school-based cross-sectional study in Zhejiang Province, China [中学生吸烟率及相关因素分析:基于中国浙江省的学校的横断面分析]
BMJ Open
浙江疾控中心 Meng Wang, Jie-Ming Zhong, Le Fang, et al. -
[BMJ Open] Prevalence of passive smoking in the community population aged 15 years and older in China: a systematic review and meta-analysis [中国15岁及以上社区人群中被动吸烟的概率:系统综述和荟萃分析]
BMJ Open
解放军总医院 Jing Zeng, Shanshan Yang, Lei Wu, et al. -
[BMJ Open] Prevalence and trends of sensitisation to aeroallergens in patients with allergic rhinitis in Guangzhou, China: a 10-year retrospective study [中国广州过敏性鼻炎患者致敏变应原的流行与趋势:10年的回顾性研究]
BMJ Open
中山大学第三附属医院 Weihao Wang, Xuekun Huang, Zhuanggui Chen, et al. -
[BMJ Open] Job satisfaction and associated factors among healthcare staff: a cross-sectional study in Guangdong Province, China [医务人员的工作满意度及其相关因素:中国广东省的横断面研究]
BMJ Open
中山大学公共卫生学院 广东省卫生部门 Yong Lu, Xiao-Min Hu, Xiao-Liang Huang, et al. -
[BMJ Open] Investigating the association between prepregnancy body mass index and adverse pregnancy outcomes: a large cohort study of 536 098 Chinese pregnant women in rural China [调查孕前体重指数与不良妊娠结局间的关联:基于中国农村536098名孕妇的大型队列研究]
BMJ Open
南京医科大学第一附属医院 Yi Pan, Shikun Zhang, Qiaomei Wang, et al.